Every Day with Shri Mataji


The educated take time to take to Sahaja Yoga – naturally because they think they are very well educated. They find it difficult to forget their education and become simpler people. So in the same way, you will find the simple people will take to Sahaja Yoga much faster than the people who are educated. Because their mind works too fast, they cannot catch the vibrations. The mind is running fast, the vibrations are running after them and it is a big game of hide and seek going on. But it doesn't matter. Still, once that intelligence gets to Sahaja Yoga, then it works even wonders…. They can intelligently manifest it and talk to people and tell them about it. So this is another thing one has to remember: try to understand that through your education you have not known anything because you never felt vibrations. You did not even know that there was something like that existing. This is a new knowledge. (22.01.1985)