Every Day with Shri Mataji


To talk of God in these modern times, it is impossible because, according to the intellectuals, He does not exist. They may say whatever they like, but He does – and very much so. Now the time has come, first of all, for us to know why are we here? What is our fulfillment? Have we come in this world just to be born, eat our food, produce children, amass money for them and then die? Or is there any special reason that God loved us so much that He created a new world of human beings? Also the time has come for us to know that there is God and that His power of love exists. And not only that, but it organizes, it coordinates. It is dynamic that He loves and, in His love, He wants to grant us the kingdom of God, the greatest that was planned for human beings. Let us forget our frustrations and our turmoils and our so-called political and economic problems, for they do not exist. It is only a mirage we are running after. We are the people who have created this cobweb and are entangled into it and are worried about life. There is nothing to worry. (28.01.1980)