Every Day with Shri Mataji


Many people meditate but their thought process is going on. They are not thoughtlessly silent. Now this is the one point which is very important. If you have to grow, you should be absolutely in connection with the Divine through thoughtless awareness. You do not have to pray, you don't have to call anyone, nothing. It just works because it is within you. If all these thoughts are bombarding you from both the sides in your mind, these thoughts that are coming to you have no meaning with you, they do not substantiate. Yourself, you are an ocean and you have to get into that state of thoughtless awareness. It is always described in all the great books, but not so clearly as I am telling you. I do not say that some of you do not get thoughtless awareness, so they are good for nothing – no. But please try. You can all get into that state of thoughtless awareness. Even for a second if you get it, it is a very good idea. Then you go on increasing that second. (3.11.2002)