We should try to take a vow. And with that vow, you should be able to achieve something which has not been yet achieved. This achievement is not only for these people. It is not only for Maharashtra. It is not only for India. It is not only for the whole world, but for the whole universe. So you are playing a very important, vital role and one should try to improve one's quality of life. Unless and until you have that substantial quality, nothing is going to work out. You must work it out in such a way that you become substantially dedicated to Sahaja Yoga. Not just for your sake, not just for your family or for your country, but for the whole universe. So you are the seeds who are going to create that great atmosphere that will bring forth the great change that we are expecting of Mahayoga. It is very important to understand that so many people have talked about this. (1.02.1982)