The essence of Sahasrara is integration. In Sahasrara, all the chakras are there, so all the Deities get integrated. And you can feel their integration. That means, when you get your Kundalini in Sahasrara, your mental, emotional and your spiritual, everything being becomes one. Your physical being also merges into it. There is no compromise with Me. It has to be completely integrated. Your dharma should be corrected. You cannot do anything wrong and then say, "I'm a Sahaja Yogi." You cannot. But for this, the strength comes from within. Your Spirit strengthens you. You must just put in your willpower that "Yes, let my Spirit act." And then you start acting according to the Spirit. Once you start acting according to the Spirit, you find you have no slavery of anything. You become samarth. That means equal to your meanings – samartha. Also samarth means powerful personality. So you develop that powerful personality which has no temptations, which has no wrong ideas, which has no catches, no problems. Sahaja Yoga is going to be, has been and will be, is going to be established. Even if they are ten people in the boat, God is not bothered. It is only My botheration as a mother. As a mother, I want many people to come up in the boat. But do not try to jump back by doing all dishonest things. (4.02.1983)