The only difficulty is in surrendering. I mean you do not surrender anything to Me. Actually you take more. But the ego part is so horrible. I mean you can see this. You can see clearly. One may think no end of oneself. You may be great or whatever you may be, but in the eyes of God what are human beings? In relationship to reality and to God, what is the value of all these things? Nothing, zero. Of your achievements, everything, your ego and all that, what is the use of having all that? This is so evident, so clear-cut. Try to understand. You cannot carry your cars and your helicopters and your airplanes to God’s place. You have to carry your heart. And if you could understand this, then My job is done. It is you who are going to give them shraddha. It is you who are going to teach them how to respect Sahaja Yoga. It is you. (3.02.1982)